covid-19 policy



The Yoga Room has taken necessary precautions per Government Guidelines. By entering the studio you acknowledge the risks and place no responsibility on the Yoga Room should you contract COVID-19 in the future.

Attendance of any in studio classes, workshops, or one-to-one sessions you agree to the following guidelines:

To not attend if you have a fever, cough or any other COVID-19 symptoms, or just simply not feeling well; or if you have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19 symptoms and/or has been diagnosed.

To have your temperature taken once entering the studio.

To use hand sanitiser upon entering the studio.

To wear a fabric mask in all areas and during class if desired.

To follow a one way system when entering and leaving the studio.

To adhere to two metre social distancing within the studio, the floor is marked.

To provide contact details for track and trace, and to contact YR immediately if you show signs of COVID -19 in-order for the YR to follow up with Government Guidelines track and trace procedures.

To provide your own yoga mat and necessary equipment for your practice.

To arrive with your yoga clothing on – no changing facilities. We suggest bringing a sweater or sweatshirt as the windows will be open for ventilation.

Students to note:

Classes will start and finish punctually to reduce gathering of students in communal areas. (Students who are late will not gain access to the studio.)

Access to the studio will be 5-10 minutes before class only. Please maintain two metre social distance when entering the studio. Remember to bring an umbrella due to the elements as there will be no early access to the studio.

There will be a one student at a time entering system, and the same exiting following the one way system.

The Yoga Room

We are committed to ensuring your safety and wellbeing whilst practicing at the studio by doing the following:

Be following the PHE Guidance COVID-19: Cleaning in non-healthcare settings while cleaning all areas in the studio.

All touch points to be cleaned regularly by teacher after class.

All bookings via online banking or bank transfers.

All students asked to adhere to the guidelines above.

Routine checks of people entering the studio with temperature checks, and refusal of entry if temperature is high or with any signs of illness.

Teachers and students to don face masks when entering and leaving the studio.

Provide hand sanitiser and and use when entering and available as needed. Windows opened to air circulation when necessary.

Studio marked for two metre social distancing including spaces for mats.

Ensure a one way system into/out of the studio.

Maximum number of students to ensure two metre social distancing, including use of zoom for those students not attending the studio.

Ensure no gatherings in communal areas, starting and finishing classes punctually.